Sunday Sayings

I've just been thinking about end of summer, my last year of university, the future, and making the most of life. I wish I had some deeper thoughts to share with you all today, but all I can say is that you shouldn't waste your time on things that you don't enjoy. Make the most of the situations you can't change, and change whatever you need to in order to live a life that makes you happy. Make time for God, find a job you love, indulge sometimes and make healthy choices when you can. That's my advice for you.
Perhaps another good piece of advice, one that I've been slowly finding on my own, comes from About Time: live every day as if you've deliberately come back to that one day to enjoy it as if it were the last full day of your life. Let the small things go, and try to be present in every moment.
Image result for quotations about end of summer


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